
SCLS Foundation Board Minutes

10/22/2020 1:30 p.m.

Participation by telecommunications only

To phone into meeting: 866-226-4650 (access code:  461-0318-2019 #)

To participate online:  https://bluejeans.com/46103182019/webrtc


Action Items: 
Approved the slate of officers for 2021:  T. Walske – President; P. Kaland – Vice President; M. Van Pelt – Secretary; M. Furgal - Treasurer

Present: M. Furgal, J. Healy-Plotkin, P. Kaland, J. Pugh, R. Sijapati, N. Studnicka, M. Van Pelt, T. Walske, K. Williams, M. Ibach



Recorder: H. Moe


1.       Call to order time: T. Walske, President; 1:31 p.m.

a.       Introduction of guests/visitors:  None

b.       Changes/Additions to the Agenda: None

c.       Requests to address the Committee: None


2.       Approval of previous meeting minutes: 7/20/2020:

a.       Motion:  J. Pugh moved approval.  M. Furgal seconded.

b.       Changes or Correction:  None

c.       Approved by motion:  Motion carried


3.   Action Items: 

a.       Create slate of officers for 2021.

                                                               i.       Current Executive Committee:  Theresa Walske – President; Peter Kaland - Vice President; Martha Van Pelt - Secretary; Mike Furgal – Treasurer
The current 2020 committee members volunteered to serve again for 2021.  
a. Motion: M. Furgal moved approval of the slate of officers for 2021: Theresa Walske – President; Peter Kaland - Vice President; Martha Van Pelt - Secretary; Mike Furgal – Treasurer.  K. Williams seconded. 
b. Discussion:  None
c.  Vote: Motion carried.

4.  Financial:                             

Financial Reports:

§  Accounts Payable Aging Detail

§  Allocation of Investment Return

§  First Business Bank (FBB) Foundation Account Summary

§  Invoices

§  Profit and Loss Statement

Approval of SCLS payments of Foundation bills:  $7,993.52

                                i.   Motion:  J. Pugh moved approval of the Foundation Bills.   K. Williams seconded. 

                iii.   Discussion:  None

                iv.   Vote:  Motion carried

Quarterly Meeting with First Business Bank


5. Discussion:

a. Cornerstone 2020:  The Cornerstone letters will be mailed next week.  The funds that will be disbursed in 2021 will be in the amount of $4,307.71, which are from donations provided in 2019. 

b. Thank you video:  T. Walske thanked everyone who created a personal video to include in the thank you video for the library directors.  Thanks to Mark Ibach for his help putting the videos together.  The video will be presented at the All Directors meeting in November and will be promoted afterwards.

M. Ibach asked for ideas for future newsletters.  J. Pugh suggested stories from libraries that have used the maker kits purchased by the foundation as well as digitization statistics and stories from the libraries that have had items digitized.  It was also suggested that a recurring article be created that tracks what the foundation has purchased with supporting stories, for example the recent purchase of baker kits. 

6.    Next Meeting: January 28, 2021

7.    Adjournment: 2:00 p.m.


                For more information about the SCLSF, contact Martha Van Pelt, mvanpelt@scls.info

